Research scientist, National Center for PTSD; Professor of Psychiatry, Boston University
Dr. Vogt is a Research Scientist in the National Center for PTSD, VA Boston Healthcare System, and Professor of Psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine in the United States. Her research focuses on military veterans’ mental health, health-care use, and broader psychosocial well-being, particularly during the transition from military service. Given their historical underrepresentation in prior research, a key emphasis of her work centers on the unique concerns of women veterans. She has secured over 10 million dollars of funding for her research from the U.S. VA, DoD, NIH, foundations, and industry sponsors. She has published 165 articles in peer reviewed journals (h-index=59), and her work is frequently cited in the research literature (> 13,000 citations to date), congressional reports, and in the media. She has also given over 90 invited talks, contributed to over 180 peer-reviewed conference presentations, and authored 7 book chapters on topics within her area of expertise.